We Care, Kita Peduli Ayo Jaga Lingkungan Kita Bersih dan Hijau

GREEN ECONOMY -- Call for Participant LEAD Associate Training on "Green Economy: Strategic Directions in time of Climate Change"

15: Call for Participants

LEAD Associate Training on “Green Economy: Strategic
Directions in time of Climate Change”
LEAD Indonesia will
conduct LEAD Associate Training or LAT of Cohort 15 with a theme “Green
Economy: Strategic Directions in time of Climate Change”, a series of 20-day
National Session (17 days intensive workshops
and 3 days online/distance learning), and 7-day
International Session (Port Elizabeth, South Africa) within the year of 2010.
Mid careers from any sector of government, business, NGO, academic, and media,
who have a vision to bring about changes, are invited to join this opportunity
as LEAD Associate Trainee whom will be the LEAD Fellow after completing the

Through the training, participants will have the understanding
of the problems to encounter the green economy issues in the 21st century, and
its relations to climate change impacts and opportunities toward mitigation and
adaptation strategy, within sustainable development framework. Even more
critical, the training participants will get senses of leadership values and
prepositions in this particular issue. More than training, the participants will
involve in an intensive project, LEAD Associate Project in a group consists of
different backgrounds and expertise, to produce action plan either in policy
recommendations, case study, or preliminary research findings toward a
large-scale research in the future. The results will be shared among
participants, institutions of the participants, and LEAD Indonesia. The best LAP
will be imbedded into policy recommendations at the International Session. At
the end of the session the participants will produce a cohort document “Green
Economy Strategic Direction: A Policy Recommendation” which will produced
through workshop facilitated by experts.

Those who completed the
training at national level and meet the passing grade standard will join a
network of LEAD Fellows around the globe, consists of around 2000 professionals
from various field of work, represent 90 countries. A number of best
participants will be sponsored to join international session
in South Africa where they will meet participants
from other 13 LEAD Program Offices from Canada, Africa, Latin America, Europe,
Canada and Asia. In the international session they will learn from the global
perspective the issues related to sustainable development, with a focus on
climate change. By the end of the international session LEAD Fellows will
produce “LEAD Declaration” document as commitment of the participants to
sustainable development. This is “energy” that fuels our bodies and minds,
inspires us to challenge ourselves and others. Let this cohort 15 theme boosts
you up and be ready to bring about change to the sustainable development for a
better world!

Please apply for this rare opportunity (seats are limited).
We will really appreciate if you can disseminate the information to the
potential candidates.

The closing date is March 5th, 2010. Application should be
submitted as early as possible.
Thank you.

Best regards,
Irmayani Sembiring Program Assistant Officer
Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (YPB)
Jl BDN II No 35 Cilandak Barat
Jakarta. Indonesia. 12430
+62 21 769 5491
+62 21 7581 6941
F: +62 21 7581 6938
E: irmayani@ypb. or.id

SMAN 70 Jakarta Pantas Predikat "Sekolah Hijau"

SMAN 70 Jakarta, merupakan salah satu sekolah yang memiliki suasana asri,
aman, nyaman dan tentram. Komplek dengan luas area hampir 2 hektar itu
dipenuhi berbagai pepohonan, dari pohon mangga, nangka duren dan
lain-lain. Selain pohon-pohon berpostur tinggi gedung sekolah yang
didominasi warna putih dan hijau itu juga dilengkapi taman, sehingga
menambah keindahan dan kenyamanan sekolah unggulan bertaraf
Internasional itu.

Tidak mengherankan jika sekolah itu terlihat begitu memperhatikan
lingkungan hidup., karena jauh sebelum dunia menggelorakan semangat
penyelamatan lingkungan hidup, sekolah faforit ini pada tahun 1994 telah mendapat penghargaan sekolah yang hijau. Hal itu diungkapkan oleh Drs.
Burhanuddin, M.Pd Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Humas SMAN 70 Jakarta. “
Pada tahun 1994 SMAN 70 Jakarta sudah mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai
sekolah yang: Hijau, Bersih, Sejuk, Rindang dan Sehat“ tuturnya. Bahkan
menurutnya mulai tahun 2005 -2006 SMAN 70 Jakarta sudah mengacu pada
standar ISO 9001-2000, oleh karenanya otomatis semua yang menyangkut
SMAN 70, baik sarana maupun prasarana, human resource , lingkungan dan
lain- lain benar-benar sudah tertata dengan baik, jelasnya.

Begitu pedulinya dengan lingkungan hidup, sampai-sampai gedung lama, yang tadinya
digunakan untuk kegiatan piket dan ekskul dibongkar dan disulap menjadi
ruang terbuka hijau. Tidak hanya itu, menurutnya sekolah mentereng di
wilayah Jakarta Selatan ini sudah sering bermitra dengan instansi
terkait dan pihak swasta serta para artis untuk dijadikan pilot project
kegiatan peduli lingkungan hidup misalnya pelatihan-pelatihan dan
seminar serta gerakan menanam pohon.

Seirama dengan Wakil Kepala Sekolah, Ketua OSIS SMAN 70, Rafikko
Syaiful menceritakan, “Kondisi lingkungan di SMAN 70 sangat terawat, dan murid-muridnya jarang yang suka merusak”. Untuk soal lingkungan hidup
di OSIS ditangani Sekretaris Bidang Lingkungan Hidup. “Setiap bulan
mereka memiliki tugas mengontrol lingkungan di SMAN 70 ini”, imbuh ketua OSIS yang akrab dipanggil Fikki ini. Fikki berpesan ”Jaga lingkungan
walau dengan cara sekecil apapun, misalnya jangan buang sampah

Hal senada diungkapkan Pinkyvi Tiffany yang juga Sekretaris Umum OSIS SMAN 70. Dara manis ini menjelaskan “di SMAN 70 lingkungannya sudah
cukup enak, disamping banyak pohon, semua terawat ”, ungkapnya. Selain
itu gadis cantik siswi kelas II IPA ini menceritakan bahwa bersama
siswa/i lain selalu mensosialisasikan pentingnya kebersihan dan merawat
lingkungan. Ketika ditanya apakah setuju jika suatu saat dicanangkan
program ekskul berbasis lingkungan hidup, dengan semangat Pinky
menjawab” setuju banget “, Pinky berpesan kepada siswa-siswi lain untuk
selalu menjaga kebersihan dan menjaga lingkungan hidup di manapun dan

Apa yang diungkapkan Drs. Burhanuddin, MPd, Raffikko, dan Pinkyvi
selaras dengan kenyataan lingkungan SMAN 70 Jakarta. Seluruh kawasan
sekolah yang memiliki 1.400 siswa itu benar–benar rindang, hijau dan
bersih. Seluruh gedung termasuk tempat ibadah (masjid) dikelilingi
dengan berbagai macam pepohonan yang tampak hijau bersih berseri.
Ditambah nuansa gedung yang didominasi warna putih dan hijau muda, layak jika misalnya SMAN dengan motto: Sekolahku Sehat, Prestasiku Hebat, dan Imanku Kuat ini mendapat predikat “Green School”.

sumber: biruvoice.com/berita/seputar-kampus/57-sman-70-jakarta-layak-predikat-geen-sschool-.html

Kids encouraged to love environment

MEDAN: An outbound camp in Sibolangit, North Sumatra, seeks to encourage teenage scouts to be more environmentally responsible.

Vice Governor Gatot Pudjonugroho officially opened the four-day camp, "Kampung Anak 2010" (Children's kampung 2010), on Thursday.

The inaugural camp last year had a peace theme.

Muhammad Jailani, from the organizing committee, said the program this year aimed to raise awareness about the importance of environmental preservation.

"Issues on global warming and environmental destruction have worried us all. We want those 1,000 kids to love the environment." - JP


Report environmental violations to 0811 932 932

The government has launched an online system allowing the public to report
environmental violations via short message service (SMS).

People can send reports of violations to 0811 932 932 or lodge them online
via the State Environment Ministry website: penegakanhukum. menlh.go. id.
"We invite the public to monitor the progress of their complaints. We hope
it will force the government or local administrations to do something to
improve the environment, " State Environment Ministry compliance deputy
Illyas Asaad said in Jakarta on Tuesday .

The ministry would, for example, receive reports on declining air quality,
river pollution, or companies damaging the environment, Illyas said.
Illyas promised that his office would follow up on reports within two weeks
from the time they were sent.

"We will send our auditors to the field to verify reports. Of course, we
will also make it a priority to follow up on bigger cases," he said.
The office will forward the reports it receives directly to related
institutions across the country, and order them to act accordingly.

source: thejakar tapost.com/ news/2010/ 01/26/report- environmental- violation
s-0811-932-932. html